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We follow the COVID-19 guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.

Smile Gallery

Before and after Invisalign

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Before and after Invisalign with porcelain anterior bridge

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Before and after porcelain veneers

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

New upper denture and implant retained lower prosthesis

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Pre and post veneers

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Changing the shape of front teeth with porcelain veneers

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Single implant retained crown replacing front tooth

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Before and after esthetic crown lengthening and porcelain veneers upper front teeth

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Replacing old crowns and creating better esthetics

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Combination orthodontics and veneers

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Repairing broken front tooth and mitigating the staining with porcelain veneers on upper central incisors

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Pre and post Invisalign treatment with upper anterior porcelain veneers revitalizing worn teeth

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Replacing upper anterior teeth utilizing dental implants

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Pre and post Invisalign orthodontics

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

Post Invisalign treatment and composite restoration to reestablish tooth length

West End Dental, in Portland, OR
West End Dental, in Portland, OR

We believe in educating patients about their treatment options and listening to their questions and concerns.
We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
Schedule your visit today for cleaning, treatment, or consultation.
Request your appointment

Our address
West End Dental
833 SW 11th Ave Suite 300
Portland, OR 97205

Where to park
Smart park 10th Ave.

Street car stop info
Street Car Line Accessible
Get off at SW 11th & Taylor
Stop ID 9633

Pay online at West End Dental
Patient Payment Portal

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Copyright © 2018-2025 West End Dental and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Smile Gallery | Portland OR | West End Dental
West End Dental, 833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 ~ (503) 446-2957 ~ ~ 2/1/2025 ~ Page Phrases: dentist Downtown Portland ~