Smile Gallery
Before and after Invisalign
Before and after Invisalign with porcelain anterior bridge
Before and after porcelain veneers
New upper denture and implant retained lower prosthesis
Pre and post veneers
Changing the shape of front teeth with porcelain veneers
Single implant retained crown replacing front tooth
Before and after esthetic crown lengthening and porcelain veneers upper front teeth
Replacing old crowns and creating better esthetics
Combination orthodontics and veneers
Repairing broken front tooth and mitigating the staining with porcelain veneers on upper central incisors
Pre and post Invisalign treatment with upper anterior porcelain veneers revitalizing worn teeth
Replacing upper anterior teeth utilizing dental implants
Pre and post Invisalign orthodontics
Post Invisalign treatment and composite restoration to reestablish tooth length