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Dental Emergencies
Portland, OR

Being faced with any type of emergency can be a frightening situation. Dental emergencies are no different. When faced with a dental emergency, it is easy to panic and not know what to do next. West End Dental is here to help.

Taking Care at Home

Dental emergencies can be frightening. However, not all emergencies require professional attention. Some emergencies can be easily treated from the comfort of your own home. One such emergency is a bitten lip, tongue, or cheek. These injuries are common and rarely dangerous. They can, however, be painful. Over the counter pain, relievers can help to deal with discomfort, while an ice pack can help with swelling. Gauze can be used to help stop bleeding and aid in clotting. If you continue to bleed for longer than 15 minutes, or the bleeding is excessive, then you should head to the emergency room.

Another emergency that may be treatable at home is a toothache. While a toothache is a common symptom of an infection, it can also simply be indicative of something stuck between your teeth. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly and rinse with a saline solution. If nothing comes dislodged, the toothache persists, or you notice other symptoms of an infection, call our office right away.

Treating Emergencies in Our Office

We can provide treatment for some different types of dental emergencies. These include:
•  Toothaches. Toothaches commonly indicate an infection. If an infection is diagnosed, treatment often involves a root canal.
•  Tooth damage. Damaged teeth are at risk for further harm, as well as at risk for infection. Often, damaged teeth can be treated with crowns. If the damage is too severe, however, an extraction may be recommended.
•  Tooth intrusion. Tooth intrusion occurs when a tooth is pushed deeper into the socket. This issue is common with primary teeth, when the jawbone is softer, although anyone may be affected. Do not attempt to fix an intruded tooth on your own. We can reset the tooth and secure it with a splint while the bone and periodontal ligaments heal.
•  Avulsed teeth. Tooth avulsion is when the tooth is completely knocked out. When this happens, it may be possible to replant the tooth. First, find the tooth and clean it under running water. Do not touch the root. Store the tooth in a jar of milk or salt water until your appointment. We can often replant the tooth and secure it with a splint. In the event the tooth cannot be replanted, we can provide you with a replacement.

When to Go to the Hospital

While we can handle a multitude of different dental emergencies in our office, there are times when you should head straight to the hospital emergency room. These instances include:
•  Excessive bleeding, or bleeding for more than 15 minutes.
•  You are experiencing severe swelling.
•  You are having trouble breathing.
•  You suspect that your jaw might be broken.

Dental emergencies are scary, but it is essential that you do not panic. If you are faced with a dental emergency, call West End Dental at (503) 446-2957 right away.
We believe in educating patients about their treatment options and listening to their questions and concerns.
We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
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Our address
West End Dental
833 SW 11th Ave Suite 300
Portland, OR 97205

Where to park
Smart park 10th Ave.

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Street Car Line Accessible
Get off at SW 11th & Taylor
Stop ID 9633

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Dental Emergencies | West End Dental - Portland, OR
Your actions immediately following a dental emergency could mean the difference between a minor or major tooth repair.
West End Dental, 833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 \ (503) 446-2957 \ \ 2/1/2025 \ Page Terms:dentist Downtown Portland \