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Best Practices for Healthy Teeth

Posted on 11/21/2022 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Best Practices for Healthy TeethMaintaining the health of your teeth is important as it helps you prevent any dental-related issues like cavities, bad breath, gingivitis, and tooth sensitivity. When you think about it, these issues go beyond dental health. The overall body's health is compromised when oral health is not maintained.

Brushing Your Teeth Regularly

Brushing your teeth as regularly as twice a day is the recommended number of times by dentists. It is also important to use the correct brushing technique. First, try to brush your teeth for two minutes or more so you can have time to focus on all your teeth. Second, brush your teeth using circular motions all around your teeth. Be sure to be gentle to prevent bruising your gums and bleeding. Finally, ensure you feel around your teeth for any remaining plaque. If left unattended, plaque can form a crust and eventually gingivitis.

Using a Fluoride Toothpaste and Toothbrush

It has been emphasized that using toothpaste in your brushing routine is important. However, not just any toothpaste; fluoride is an important addition to your toothpaste as it helps prevent tooth decay and creates an impenetrable barrier against germs and bacteria.

Visiting the Dentist

Seeing a dentist at least twice annually for a dental check-up goes a long way in ensuring your teeth remain healthy. The dentist can clean your teeth and remove any hardened plaque. These visitations also allow the dentist to check for anything wrong, like mouth cancer and gingivitis.

Using Dental Floss

A toothbrush cannot reach all the crooks, crannies, or dental floss. Many people disregard dental floss, yet dental floss can remove the food remains and plaque trapped between the teeth, preventing bad breath and the accumulation of bacteria. This goes a long way in preventing tooth decay.

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We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
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West End Dental
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