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What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

Posted on 3/7/2022 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?Expectant women should be concerned about gingivitis during pregnancy. Because of the spike in hormones, you'll notice that your gums alter throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy gingivitis affects 40 to 80 percent of pregnant women. You should not be concerned, though, because it is easily treatable if detected early. Hormones cause the gums to enlarge during pregnancy and various stages of life. This increased flow of blood to your gums is caused by the excess estrogen and progesterone required to produce a baby. Consequently, swelling and bleeding are caused by the gums being more sensitive to plaque and bacteria. Gum disease in pregnancy, or otherwise, is called gingivitis. Gingivitis, however, if left untreated, leads to more serious gum disease, leading to cavities and bone loss around the teeth. Therefore, it is advisable to treat pregnancy gingivitis seriously, even if it seems like an annoyance.

Treating Pregnancy Gingivitis

Periodontal disease is linked to health problems such as premature labor. According to the notion, bacteria in the mouth contaminate the embryonic membranes, causing the uterus to contract and the cervix to thin and dilate. Pregnancy gingivitis can be avoided and reversed. Increasing your brushing and flossing may be enough to treat minor pregnant gingivitis. Brush twice a day and floss once a day, even if you're so tired that brushing is the last thing on your mind. You need to do this to prevent pregnancy gingivitis. The natural disinfectant salt can help. Saltwater rinses help heal gum inflammation associated with pregnancy gingivitis. You can prevent and treat mild pregnancy gingivitis by using an alcohol-free mouthwash every day. Use mouthwash only as directed.

Seeing a Dentist For Pregnancy Gingivitis

The majority of dental treatments, including dental x-rays, are safe during pregnancy, and frequent dental checkups help prevent and manage pregnant gingivitis. If the thought of sitting motionless in a dental chair for thirty minutes with a bowling ball resting on your bladder makes you uncomfortable, you should not avoid going to the dentist while pregnant.
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