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Everything You Need to Know About Dental Impactation

Posted on 11/8/2021 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Everything You Need to Know About Dental ImpactationAt birth, anatomically we have enough space for 32 teeth, which is usually enough for most people. However, some are unfortunate enough to not have enough room for their wisdom teeth to emerge. Conversely, if they have teeth at improper angles, the alignment of the first 28 permanent teeth may not be optimal either. These types of situations predispose to impaction, impacted teeth can break, bend or reposition themselves on other teeth, cases in which you will have to go to our specialists for help.

What Symptoms Will Let Me Know My Teeth Are Impacted?

Unfortunately, impaction does not usually become apparent until it causes problems in the rest of your teeth; however, infections are an early sign, as are swollen gums and pain. If you have any of these signs, it is time for you to come to our offices and have our professionals examine you to determine their origin, as they may be due to an impacted tooth.

What Can Happen With Untreated Impactions?

The damage caused by an impacted tooth can be severe, permanently altering the shape of your teeth, causing breakage and infection. If an impaction progresses, we may have to undergo extensive orthodontic treatment, or even opt for a surgical extraction, as is the case with wisdom teeth. Sometimes, it is the only option that we have left.

Wisdom teeth are a fairly common phenomenon and, in almost all patients, it results in impacted teeth. With imaging, our dentists can identify an impaction before it becomes severe, so we can remove tissue to avoid permanent damage. An early diagnosis avoids pain and extensive treatments. Come to our offices for your general check-up or if you suspect that you suffer from an impacted tooth. We will assist you with the best of care and do the necessary tests for impacted teeth.

We believe in educating patients about their treatment options and listening to their questions and concerns.
We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
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