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Dangers With Out Of Date Dental Records

Posted on 12/21/2020 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Dangers With Out Of Date Dental RecordsYour medical records should include full details of any dental procedures and X-rays that you have had, systemic diseases (that is to say diseases that affect the whole body), allergies, reactions to anesthetics, current medications and treatments, herbal supplements, surgeries, injuries and diet. The format of your dental records should provide for a medical alert to ensure that important medical considerations are not accidentally overlooked. Dental history should be updated after every visit and whenever the patient has a major change in health.

Why Do Your Dental Records Need To Be Up To Date?

No one wants to undergo unnecessary dental procedures and, so long as your dental records are kept up to date, you can avoid the duplication of X-rays or undergoing diagnostic procedures for a problem that has already been evaluated. A record of past fillings and crowns can give us a clue to future treatments you may need. We always keep full details of any implants that are fitted such as the size, manufacturer and model. In the unlikely event that the patient has a problem with the implant, such as the loss of a tiny screw that holds the parts together, the problem can be rectified as unobtrusively as possible.

We Have to Think About the whole Body Not Just the Mouth

Hundreds of medications have side effects that appear in the mouth. It will be necessary to take into consideration any other medications the patient is taking when deciding which anesthetic to use to numb their teeth. Conditions the patient may have elsewhere in their body may affect which dental treatments we decide to use. For instance, dental work that causes the mouth to bleed may pose a risk to heart patients. Bacteria may be transmitted from the mouth to the heart, making it necessary for us to prescribe a course of antibiotics before the treatment begins.

When we acquire new patients, we always ask for their dental records to be transferred from their previous dental practitioner. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996, dental records must be kept for 6 years - longer for minors.

We believe in educating patients about their treatment options and listening to their questions and concerns.
We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
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West End Dental
833 SW 11th Ave Suite 300
Portland, OR 97205

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