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Caring for a Diabetic Mouth is Different

Posted on 10/5/2020 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Caring for a Diabetic Mouth is DifferentBeing a diabetic can be detrimental to your oral health, more than most other diseases. It is not uncommon for someone with diabetes to have several dental issues, especially if they have poor control of their diabetes. Caring for your oral health remains mostly the same but does require you to be more vigilant than a non-diabetic person.

How Diabetes Can Affect Your Oral Health

If you have diabetes, you will likely face a few dental health issues throughout your lifetime. While managing your diabetes is not impossible, the disease is very unpredictable. This unpredictability makes it exceedingly difficult for most people to manage overtime. Diabetics have poor blood circulation, which directly affects the gums. This can lead to constant infections, which can be painful and cause swelling and bleeding. The shortage of blood can also directly impact the strength of your teeth, making them loose and potentially falling out if not managed correctly. You may also experience severe bad breath, which is unmanageable, no matter how well your oral hygiene regimen is handled.

The best preventative measure to dental issues is to control your diabetes. This is the most bullet-proof way to deter any oral health problems from occurring. However, this can take months or even years to get right. In the meantime, you should ensure you brush at least twice a day, followed by a good flossing. If you feel that it is not doing enough, you should upgrade to brushing when you first wake up, between each meal and again at night. This can be between four to six times a day, but it will ensure your teeth and gums stay health by preventing any debris or bacteria buildup. Lastly, it is important to visit our office at least every six months for a checkup. This will allow us to inspect your oral health and make recommendations as needed. Give us a call today and schedule an appointment to help get the best oral health advice.
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