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How Having Healthy Teeth Can Improve Your Digestion
Posted on 5/15/2020 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
How Having Healthy Teeth Can Improve Your DigestionHealthy teeth are really important- this isn't exactly news to any of us. You may not have thought about how much the health of your teeth affects the rest of your body. If your dental health is good, there is a better chance that your overall health will be good as well. If you're not sure what we're talking about, keep reading about healthy teeth and your digestive system.

Why Healthy Teeth Are So Important

The whole digestive process depends on the health of your teeth. That starts with the moment you begin to chew your food. The more teeth you have, the easier it is to chew your food. Also, a healthy mouth produces the right amount of saliva to begin to process your food, which makes it easier to digest. If your teeth aren't aligned properly, you may also have problems when you chew your food. You may also have a problem chewing if you have teeth with a significant amount of gum disease, because they will be more loose than healthy teeth.

Infection Is Not Good

If you are battling tooth decay or gum disease, you need to know that both of those are caused by infections. Infections in your mouth can aggravate other conditions. For example, tooth and gum disease can aggravate ulcers. The bacteria from your mouth may even cause ulcers to form in your stomach. Gum disease and tooth decay can also make diabetes worse. If you have diabetes, you need to know that you need to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.

If you are worried about your dental health, and you want to make sure that your digestive system is working well, come in and see us. Contact us today so we can go over at your oral hygiene habits, and give you tips to make your teeth as healthy as possible.
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