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Foods That Prevent Tooth Decay
Posted on 5/15/2020 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Foods That Prevent Tooth DecayGlobally, about 60 to 90% of children and almost 100% of adults have tooth decay, according to the FDI World Dental Federation. Tooth decay, or dental caries, is the most common dental issue; however, with certain food and proper care (including regular dental cleanings), you can dramatically reduce its chances.

Foods that Prevent Tooth Decay

You may not appreciate it if you have to pass up on the cookies and ice cream, but such food plays a major role when it comes to tooth decay. To ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong, try incorporating this type of food in your diet:

Fruit and Vegetable

Crunchy fruit and vegetable have high fiber content that increase the flow of saliva. This saliva helps rinses away the excess sugar in your mouth before it can damage your enamel. Even though fruit are high in sugar, the amount of water and fiber in them adequately neutralizes the effect of sugar.

Cheese and Dairy

Both milk and cheese are great sources of protein and calcium, and protect your teeth from cavity. Cheese does not have much sugar and decreases the acidity in your mouth. Drinking milk, especially after eating sweets, can reduce plaque buildup and re-mineralize your enamel.


Fish, shrimps, and shellfish are excellent sources of lean protein which keep your teeth strong in the long run. Seafood also contains fluoride which adds an extra layer of protection to your teeth.


Nuts contain healthy amounts of protein, calcium, and phosphorous — all of which can make your teeth stronger. Since nuts are also crunchy, they stimulate saliva production, which can reduce risk of decay.

Whole Grains

Not only the iron and B vitamins in whole-grains help keep your gums healthy, but the magnesium in it is also an important ingredient for teeth and bone. Brown rice, bran, and whole-grain cereals and pastas are all high in fiber as well.

Eating a healthy diet can definitely help your teeth become stronger, but it is not a substitute for good oral care at home. You also need to brush twice a day and floss every day along with going for your regular dental check up.

If you think your teeth are experiencing decay, schedule an appointment with Dr. James Krippaehne and team at West End Dental by calling us at (503) 446-2957 today.
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