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Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Posted on 1/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Girl in in dental chair doing sedation dentistry at West End Dental in Portland, ORSedation dentistry has several advantages, such as using medicine to make patients more comfortable during dental treatments. Those who suffer from anxiety related to dentistry or phobia may find this technique especially useful. Below, we discuss several of the benefits you will experience if sedation dentistry is used at your next visit.

Feel Less Nervous and Fearful

If you suffer from dental anxiety or worry, sedation may help a great deal. People who fear dentists or have had unpleasant visits might benefit greatly.

Permits More Work with Fewer Visits

Dentists can do more in a single appointment ]when patients are at ease. It is beneficial for extensive operations because it reduces the needed visits.

Assists with Acid Reaction

If a patient has a significant gag response, sedation can help manage it. This means the dentist can work more comfortably in the mouth, and the patient is more comfortable overall.

Impaired Memory

Memory loss, partial or complete, may occur during the treatment if certain types of sedation are used, such as oral and IV sedatives. It can be a comfort if a patient is anxious about forgetting the specifics of their dental work.

The Time Flies By

Sedation makes patients feel like their dental treatment took considerably less time than it did. With this perspective on time, even seemingly endless operations might seem much more bearable.

Enhances Healthcare Quality

The dentist can do better work when the patient is calm and collected. In the long run, this can make the dental procedures easier and more enjoyable.

Promotes Ease

Patients who have trouble sitting still for long periods owing to physical pain or disorders like ADHD may find sedation dentistry to be particularly helpful. It allows them to feel more at ease and relaxed throughout operations.

Before deciding to have sedation dentistry, patients should consult a qualified dentist about their current medication treatment, allergies, and medical history. Thanks to sedation dentistry, more people can now get the dental care they need without experiencing any pain.

We believe in educating patients about their treatment options and listening to their questions and concerns.
We focus on prevention so that you keep your smile healthy. We provide excellent comfortable care for all procedures.
Schedule your visit today for cleaning, treatment, or consultation.
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West End Dental
833 SW 11th Ave Suite 300
Portland, OR 97205

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Dental Blog | West End Dental | Portland, OR
West End Dental, 833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 • (503) 446-2957 • • 2/14/2025 • Tags: dentist Downtown Portland •